LiFra Respects Human Dignity

In our conversations, Nicole often told me about scenes which broke her heart, especially when survivorswere being treated with disrespect.  In one instance, a large company did a giveaway of $25 gift cards and hundreds of people lined up, waiting for hours just for the chance to get $25.  As part of the giveaway, however, the people who received them were required to have their photos taken so that their smiling faces could be used in the company’s advertising.  It turned both of our stomachs.

That’s why the number one guiding principle of LiFra is human dignity.  We will never post photos of the people we help.  We won’t tell you their names.  They are entitled to privacy and dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances. They are our brothers and sisters, whoever they are.

No one likes needing help and no one likes asking for it.  Our goal is to help as many people as we can as they go about rebuilding their lives. We want these people to know that we honor their humanity and affirm their dignity, especially in these challenging times.

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